Nathan Carter’s whimsical geometric vocabulary and color palette are on full display in Bleeding Heart Fallopian Philly (Lamprocapnos Long Lashes). The work shifts away from the harder-edged geometric compositions of Carter’s past in favor of organic shapes inspired by natural forms like the female body and flowers, as indicated by the title. As is often the case in Carter’s work, what at first appears to be a child-like, almost naïve, style reveals itself to be the result a carefully-honed approach to color, form, and movement. Carter’s work has been included in numerous group and solo exhibitions at venues worldwide, including the Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas; Kemper Museum of Contemporary, Kansas City; ArtPace, San Antonio; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; and Art Gallery of Ontario.

Nathan Carter
acid-free paper collage on paper
35 x 42 inches