Old and new techniques merge in Margo Wolowiec’s woven work. To make these complex pieces, Wolowiec collects images from the internet based on specific hashtags and geo-tags; a recent favorite – #rosegarden – produced some of the images seen here. She then arranges the images and information in a gridded composition, prints it on polymer thread, and weaves it by hand into a new work, obscuring and shifting the original images along the way. The resulting tapestry confronts the viewer with a set of references produced for digital consumption whose meaning has been transformed – heightened, concealed, or recontextualized – by the centuries old technology of the loom. Wolowiec has exhibited her work throughout the US, and her work is in the public collections of the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Kadist Art Foundation, San Francisco; and the Detroit Center for Photography.

Margo Wolowiec
handwoven polyester, linen, and dye sublimation ink, mounted on linen support
36 x 28 inches