Kristen Macy’s recent, mostly-monochromatic works feature empty, desolate landscapes and compositions. In many of these, a glossy, splattered explosion exists as a frozen volume in space. Abstracted from the narrative, characters, and landscapes that support them, the explosions take on a number of large- and small-scale associations. Are we looking at a splash of water after something has fallen in? Or is it a detail of paint drips in the artist’s studio? It is a testament to Macy’s technical ability that she skillfully balances the specificity of the event with the ambiguous landscape in the work. Macy has exhibited her work at venues worldwide, including Universidad de Guanajuato; Central Trak, Dallas; Centre Pompidou, Paris; and Dallas Museum of Art.

Kirsten Macy
oil enamel on canvas
36 x 36 x 2 inches