Elana Bowsher


oil and oil pastel on linen
46 x 40 inches

Bowsher’s paintings embrace a legacy of abstraction where the very real is zoomed in (or out) to the point where only a sensual ideal remains. Bowsher composed these works through cropped and expanded photographs of previous paintings, which were inspired by imagery of bones, organs, fossils and x-rays. Looping patterns and compositional principles with rhythmic sensibility, Bowsher blends and layers pigments, wiping away and adding color through dry brushing and her own fingertips. Any hint of movement evokes the rushing of blood or the inhale and exhale of the lungs.

Elana Bowsher received her BFA from the UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture in 2012. Solo exhibitions include T293, Rome; and Alexander Berggruen, New York in 2022. Select group shows include Sea View, Los Angeles; Lo Brutto Stahl, Paris; CLEARING, Los Angeles and New York; Phillips, Hong Kong; The Pit Gallery, Los Angeles; Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco; Cerámica Suro, Mexico City; and Night Gallery, Los Angeles.

[excerpted from Hannah Hoffman website: www. hannahhoffman.la]