Maryam Amiryani’s recent series of paintings are inspired by books from her personal library. She pays careful attention as she paints the book covers, capturing the visual presence of the object. Chopper is part book cover and part movie poster as it depicts the cover of the semi-autobiographical novel by Australian criminal Mark Brandon “Chopper” Read that was the basis for the 2000 film of the same name starring Eric Bana, whose image from the movie poster appears on this edition of the book. Amiryani was born in Shiraz, Iran in 1967, and now lives and works in Marfa, TX. Many of Amiryani’s paintings are currently on long-term view as a public art project at By Art Matters (OEli) in Hangzhou, China, run by the Italian curator Francesco Bonami.

Maryam Amiryani
oil on linen over wood
8 3/8 x 5 5/8 inches, framed