In her series Brain-Project, South Korean artist Coco (Hyoun Jung) Sung created five ornate brooches, each denoting hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. They are titled Pheromon, Oxy (oxytocin), Sero (serotonin), Vasopressin, Adre (adrenaline), and Dopa (dopamine). Since hormones and neurotransmitters connect physical and emotional feelings, these brooches were made as amulets or talismans to protect and provide some additional positive energy to our lives. This particular brooch, Vasopressin, refers to a hormone vital in regulating our kidneys and blood pressure. When not worn by itself, the brooch hangs in the wall-mounted box, which Sung has decorated with intricate patterns mimicking brain pathways. The collage-box is a colorful reliquary housing this biochemical charm. The whole composition resembles a shrine containing an ex-voto or image of a saint. Sung’s work is extremely powerful and painterly. Sung trained as a painter in South Korea before she went to Hochschule für Kunst und Design in Halle, Germany to study jewelry with Daniel Kruger. In 2002 she had her first solo exhibition and has won numerous international awards. Sung has work in private collections across Europe and the United States.

Coco Sung
wall object with brooch, brass, copper, thread, rack, colorful wire, beads, and glass beads
19 11/16 x 31 1/2 x 5 1/8 inches