Over the years, Brazilian artist Sandra Cinto has developed a rich visual language of natural symbols depicted in her characteristic lyrical style. Firmly grounded in the realm of drawing, her 2D works often depict landscapes that possess a romantic, and at times turbulent, quality. In this untitled work, waves swirl and swell towards a radiating sun in a fantastic narrative scene that could be viewed as a metaphor for the human condition. Since the early 1990s, Cinto has presented her work at museums and institutions worldwide, and her work is well represented in public collections like ICA, Boston; Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego; Fundación ARCO, Madrid; and Inhotim Instituto de Arte Contemporânea e Jardim Botânico, among others.

Sandra Cinto
permanent pen and acrylic on Japanese paper
14 1/2 x 11 x 1 1/4 inches