In order for chance to work, you have to create the conditions that make chance possible, one of which is having a lot of time. It is a rather complex thing to arrange situations in which you do nothing and things happen by themselves. – Bernard Frize
Bernard Frize approaches his paintings in series, beginning with specific guidelines for each piece that dictate a process while embracing accidents along the way. The broad spectrum of color seen here in Notos has become a signature of Frize’s style. For this body of work, Frize lays the canvas on a flat surface and allows the colors to bleed together, spreading under their own weight and rippling along the edges. Frize masks his process by mixing resin with acrylic paint, leaving an impeccably smooth surface that removes any evidence of the artist’s manipulations. Frize lives and works in Paris and Berlin, and his diverse abstract paintings have been included in solo and group exhibitions across the globe.